Perhaps the single biggest issue on whether a customer can successfully pay off his account is how you structured the deal. Poor deal structure will ensure you will have collection issues throughout the loan and will significantly increase your repossession and charge-off numbers. The wrong deal structure will set your customer up for failure. Many conventional Buy Here-Pay Here dealerships charge excessive gross profits and/or the maximum interest rate their
Tag financing

Perhaps the single biggest factor on whether a customer can successfully pay off his BHPH or LHPH account with your dealership is how you structure the deal. Poor deal structure will ensure you will have collection issues throughout the loan and will significantly increase your repossession and charge-off numbers. The wrong deal structure will set your customer up for failure. Many conventional Buy Here – Pay Here dealerships charge excessive

Many BHPH dealerships never pulled credit reports in the past. Their philosophy was, “My customers all have bad credit. I don’t need to pay for a report to tell me that.” That philosophy has been changing over the past few years and obtaining a report on all prospective customers is a “best practice” that should be adopted by all BHPH dealers. You need to obtain credit reports on your prospective
Tax time will soon be upon us. Buy Here – Pay Here dealers look forward to this time of the year because many dealers make a high percentage of their annual sales during this period. One dealer I read about claimed to make 80% of his sales during this quarter. That seems a too high to me and I would argue his marketing and sales efforts during the rest of

A great article that Ken Shilson, founder and President of the National Alliance of Buy Here Pay Here Dealers, wrote and has graciously allowed us to share with you here. New developments in the Buy Here, Pay Here (BHPH) industry are happening at an unprecedented pace, and new operators are entering the business in record numbers! Both new entrants and experienced operators are seeking exceptional profit opportunities in the low

In the last two installments, we looked at how poorly most dealerships handle incoming sales calls and some tips at getting the information you need from each call. In this segment I want to talk about five things you should never do or say during that first call. 1. Fill out the application Completing the actual credit application is something that needs to be done in person. You can’t look a

I often begin our Collections training class by asking the students what the most important collection tool is at their dealerships. I get answers ranging from the telephone to the tow truck but I have never had a student give me the right answer. The correct answer is the application. That’s right, if you want to successfully collect the loans or leases you make to your dealer controlled financing customers,

I have just returned from the 1st Annual Mid-Atlantic Independent Auto Dealers Association Conference in Atlantic City. It was an excellent conference with 25 educational sessions to assist independent auto dealers. The conference was very well run and, based on everything I heard from dealers in attendance, will continue to grow every year. If you weren’t there, I’d put this one on your calendar as a must attend for next year.

Managing a Buy Here – Pay Here dealership can be like walking a tightrope. A manager needs to balance creating a friendly atmosphere against the need to maintain a business relationship. Potential customers should feel welcome when they come in to purchase a new vehicle and current customers should feel like the dealership cares out about them and what is going on in their lives as they make their payments.

It is a standard practice in the Dealer Controlled Financing business to charge the same interest rate to all customers at a particular dealership but the methods for determining that rate vary widely. There are 3 basic methods for deciding on a rate: 1. Charging the maximum allowed by state law Every state has a law limiting the amount of interest a dealership is allowed to charge. This maximum rate