Tag time management

Constellation Auto BHPH Software

8760 – That’s how many hours we each get during a year. 24 hours every day for 365 days. And yet, despite the fact that we each get the same amount of time, some people accomplish far more than others. Why is that? If you’ve read any of my previous articles, you’ll know that I believe it is because we have lost focus on the “Forgotten Foundation” of time management.

Constellation Auto BHPH Software

Effective time management can help you get more done, reduce your stress and reclaim your personal life. Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number and complexity of projects that need to be completed at work each day? As the day flies by, do you often feel as if you haven’t paid enough attention to each task because other tasks keep landing on your desk, co-workers interrupt you with questions

Constellation Auto BHPH Software

A study of Harvard MBA candidates found that 3% had clear written goals and plans for accomplishing them, 13% had goals but had not put them down in writing and 84% had no goals when they were first entering the program. Ten year later the same students were re-interviewed. The 13% that had goals were making twice as much as the 84% with no goals but, even more astounding, the